September 21, 2024
12 noon - 9 pm
War Memorial Plaza, Downtown Baltimore


Charm City Live graphic. Two people with text below it. Text "feel the charm, hear the beat" "Charm City Live" "Sept 21, 12 - 9 War Memorial Plaza"

Photo of a woman with text beneath "Feel the charm, hear the beat" "Charm City Live" "Sep 21, 12-9 PM War Memorial Plaza"

Also featuring:

Picture of Pheelz with text "Sep 21 12-9 PM War Memorial Plaza"

Picture of Avery Wilson with text "Sep 21 12-9 PM War Memorial Plaza"

Picture of DVSN with text "Sep 21 12-9 PM War Memorial Plaza"

Picture of Tiana Majors


Media/Photography Inquiries

If you would like to cover CHARM CITY LIVE 2024 for a media entity, or if you have any media inquiries, please contact Kevin Nash, Baltimore City Recreation & Parks Public Relations Officer. Kevin can be reached at

Please include the following in your email message:

  • Your media affiliation (e.g. CNN, Baltimore Sun)
  • Your specialty (e.g. music critic, food critic)
  • Complete contact information with media company email address and mobile number
  • What is your scope of work for Charm City Live: news reporting, photography, or both
  • NOTE: photography from the pit (in front of the stage) has limited space
  • NOTE: the photography of artists backstage is restricted to Charm City Live exclusive media partner



Vendor Application


To be a vendor at Charm City Live 2024, please fill out the vendor application by clicking here.

Parking Information

Road Closures for the Charm City Live Event: 

Residents can expect road closures at Gay, Baltimore, Saratoga, Lexington, and Fayette Streets. 

Detours for Charm City Live Event: 

Westbound E. Fayette Street #1
Make a right turn onto Fallsway, travel north on Fallsway to second traffic signal then turn left onto E. Pleasant Street, traveling west make a left turn onto Guilford Avenue, proceed south towards E. Fayette Street then make a right.

Westbound E. Fayette Street #2
Make a left turn onto S. President Street , at the second traffic signal turn right onto E. Lombard Street, then travel west for approximately 5 blocks then make a right turn onto N. Calvert Street, proceed north towards E. Fayette Street then make a left.

Southbound S. President Street
Follow President Street south, make a right turn onto E. Lombard Street, proceed west for approximately 5 blocks towards Calvert Street then make a right turn onto N. Calvert Street, follow N. Calvert Street towards E. Fayette Street then make a left.

Northbound N. Gay Street
Make a right turn at Baltimore Street, proceed east on Baltimore Street to first set of traffic signals then turn left onto President Street, take a slight right turn onto Fallsway, follow Fallsway north to first traffic signal and then turn right back to Gay Street.

Eastbound E. Lexington Street
Make a right turn onto Guilford Avenue, proceed south for approximately 2 blocks towards Baltimore Street then turn left, follow Baltimore Street for 3 blocks making a left turn onto President Street.

Southbound Holliday Street
Make a right turn at Saratoga Street, then a left turn onto Guilford Avenue, follow Guilford Avenue towards Baltimore Street then turn left.

Motorists traveling in this vicinity should be on the watch for changing traffic patterns and are encouraged to use alternate routes to avoid possible delays.